What are users executing from SSMS

What are users executing from SSMS

What are users executing using SSMS? During a customer review meeting, one of the DBA asked if there’s a quick way to find out What are users executing using SSMS. Though this information can easily be obtained from SP_Who2 system stored procedure, the DBA wanted to...
SQL Server Developer Edition Free Download

SQL Server Developer Edition Free Download

Get a copy of SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition SQL Server developer edition is now free! Finally, Microsoft has made it easy for companies to develop and test SQL Server 2017 by making the developer edition of SQL Server completely free. This is certainly helpful for...
SP_What is smarter than SP_Who2

SP_What is smarter than SP_Who2

SP_What is smarter than SP_Who2! We’ve seen many DBAs scratch their head to find out who is running what in SQL Server. When a user complains about the database performance issue, the first thing DBAs do is run SP_Who or SP_Who2 to see what may be happening in SQL...
SQL Agent Job Failure Permanent Fix

SQL Agent Job Failure Permanent Fix

SQL Agent Job Repeat Failures SQL Agent job failure can be easy to fix but the problem many production DBA’s encounter is the repeat failures of SQL agent job failures. Identifying that there’s a problem would be your first step to fix the problem...